Kai žmonės kalba apie nepriekaištingą žaidimų patirtį, daugelis jų pamiršta paminėti vieną svarbų kūrinį. Kietasis diskas. Galbūt turite geriausią žaidimų monitorių, specialią pelę ir klaviatūrą, galbūt žaidimų kilimėlį ar net žaidimų kėdę, tačiau tai nieko nereiškia, kai neturite vietos savo žaidimams įdiegti.
Štai kodėl jums reikia specialios žaidimų įrangos. Tai ne tik suteikia jums pakankamai vietos mėgstamiems žaidimams saugoti, bet ir yra optimizuoti, siekiant sumažinti įkėlimo laiką ir sumažinti žaidimų atsilikimą. Be to, turėdami daugiau nei 100 skirtingų tipų geriausių žaidimų kietųjų diskų, mūsų 7 geriausių žaidimų kietųjų diskų sąrašas bus gana naudingas.
Geriausių žaidimų kietųjų diskų sąrašas
Geriausias pasirinkimas„Seagate BarraCuda“
Nuo 1 TB iki 8 TB
Geriausias išorinio kietojo disko 1-as bėgikas„Samsung 860 EVO“
Nuo 250 GB iki 4 TB
Geriausias vidinio SSD kietojo disko 2-as bėgikas„Seagate FireCuda SSHD“
1 TB | 2 TB
Geriausias hibridinis HDDGeriausias kietasis diskas žaidimams
produkto pavadinimas | Talpa | Priežastis pasirinkta | Išsami informacija |
„Seagate BarraCuda“ kietasis diskas | Nuo 1 TB iki 8 TB | Geriausias išorinis kietasis diskas | |
„Samsung 860 EVO“ | Nuo 250 GB iki 4 TB | Geriausias vidinis SSD kietasis diskas | |
„Seagate FireCuda SSHD“ | 1 TB | 2 TB | Geriausias hibridinis HDD | |
WD juoda | Nuo 250 GB iki 8 TB | Geriausias vidinis HDD nešiojamiesiems kompiuteriams | |
WD mėlyna | Nuo 500 GB iki 6 TB | Geriausias biudžetas | |
„Seagate FireCuda Gaming“ | Nuo 500 GB iki 4 TB | Geriausias vidinis SSHD nešiojamiesiems kompiuteriams | |
„Toshiba P300“ | Nuo 500 GB iki 3 TB | Geriausias kietasis diskas staliniams kompiuteriams |
1: „Seagate BarraCuda“ - geriausias išorinis kietasis diskas
Kartais mes tiesiog norime pridėti papildomą saugyklą prie savo įrenginių, nepakeisdami esamo kietojo disko. Jei naudojate stalinį kompiuterį, tai gali būti ne problema, nes jie paprastai suteikia vietos papildomiems kietiesiems diskams, tačiau skiriasi nuo nešiojamojo kompiuterio.
„Seagate“ išorinis kietasis diskas idealiai tinka nešiojamųjų kompiuterių žaidėjams. Jų dydžiai gali būti nuo 1 TB iki 8 TB, ir tereikia juos prijungti prie maitinimo lizdo, tada prie kompiuterio, naudojant 3.0 arba 2.O USB prievadus. Tačiau, jei naudojate „Mac“, turėsite juos iš naujo suformatuoti, kad būtų visiškai suderinami.
Jei esate žaidimų kaupėjas, kaip ir aš, įvertinsite šio plėtimosi standžiojo disko vertę. Man tikrai sunku ištrinti žaidimus, net jei tai būtina, tačiau turėdamas papildomą 4TB galiu išsaugoti savo žaidimų kolekciją ir jas patikrinti, kai nesu nusiteikęs žaisti įprastą žaidimą.
Argumentai "už"
- Pakankama erdvė
- Paprasta sąranka
- Greita USB 3.0 sąsaja
- Šiek tiek didelių gabaritų
2: „Samsung 860 EVO“ - geriausias vidinis SSD kietasis diskas
„Samsung 860 Evo“ tęsia savo pirmtako „850 Evo“ sėkmę, o „850 EVO“ paveldėjus viską, kas mums patiko, lengva suprasti, kodėl mes rekomenduojame šį SSD saugojimo įrenginį.
Tačiau būtent neįtikėtinas SSD greitis jums tikrai patiks kaip žaidėjui. Nors tai būdinga visiems SSD diskams, „Samsung“ jį pasiekia šiek tiek aukščiau su savo naujausia V-NAND technologija, kuri gali nuosekliai skaityti 550 MB / s greičiu ir rašyti maždaug 520 MB / s greičiu. Tai daugiau nei 2 kartus daugiau nei standartinis HDD.
Šio standžiojo disko našumas padidėjo 51%, palyginti su 8x EVO su 6 kartus didesne ištverme. Be to, skirtingai nei kai kurie kiti diskai, besiremiantys programine šifruote, „Samsung 860 EVO“ yra su „Self Encrypting Drive“ technologija, kuri užtikrina, kad jūsų duomenys yra saugūs, nepakenkiant kietojo disko veikimui.
Dabar visi galime sutikti, kad naujinimas į naują standųjį diską gali būti vargas, ypač turint omenyje, kad turite iš naujo įdiegti OS, tada visus senus failus perkelti į naują diską. Tačiau dabar „Samsung Data Migration“ programinės įrangos dėka šis procesas buvo išties supaprastintas.
Taip pat turite galimybę atsisiųsti „Samsung Magician“ programinę įrangą, kuri padės stebėti ir prižiūrėti SSD. Šiam diskui suteikiama 5 metų garantija ir jo dydžiai svyruoja nuo 250 GB iki 4 TB.
Argumentai "už"
- Puikus greitis
- Veiksmingai apsaugo jūsų duomenis
- Didelė garantija
- Apima duomenų perkėlimo programinę įrangą
- Lengvas stebėjimas naudojant „Samsung Magician“ programinę įrangą
- Pranešta apie duomenų migravimo programinės įrangos neveikimo atvejus
3: „Seagate FireCuda SSHD“ - geriausias hibridinis kietasis diskas
Seagate came up with the FireCuda hard disk series to specifically cater for the gamers, and hence all of its features are meant to improve your gaming experience. Which is why it is only available in 1TB and 2TB version since any lesser capacity is not really ideal in this modern gaming era.
The FireCuda 3.5" SSHD is the bigger desktop version of the Seagate FireCuda 2.5" SSHD and comes with 7200RPM, 64MB of cache and a SATA 6Gb/s connection. However, the highlight of this Hard disk is its Hybrid architecture.
It is the perfect fusion between an SSD and an HDD. That is it combines the speed of an SSD and the storage capabilities of the HDD. By using adaptive learning, the FireCuda can memorize the frequently accessed games and save them in the flash memory. This significantly reduces the access time to these games.
Palyginus, šis standusis diskas pasižymi dideliu našumu nei 2,5 colio „FireCuda“, tačiau tai galima paaiškinti didesniu dydžiu, kuris suteikia daugiau vietos besisukantiems diskams.
Kitos paminėtinos funkcijos yra „Instant Secure Erase“, kad saugiai ir lengvai ištrintumėte turinį iš kietojo disko. „Self-Encrypting“ technologija apsaugo jūsų duomenis. Jūs taip pat gausite 2 metų garantiją.
Argumentai "už"
- SSD ir HDD hibridas
- Momentinio ištrynimo funkcija
- Puikios duomenų apsaugos technikos
- Negalite rankiniu būdu pasirinkti, kas patenka į „flash“ atmintį
# 4: „WD Black“ - geriausias vidinis nešiojamojo kompiuterio standusis diskas
„Western Digital“ yra vienas iš pirmaujančių prekės ženklų gaminant kietuosius diskus, todėl iš jų galite tikėtis aukščiausios kokybės produktų. „WD Black“ serija yra vienas tokių pavyzdžių, kuriuos labai rekomenduojame atnaujinti nešiojamojo kompiuterio standžiajame diske.
You can choose from its several capacities starting from 250GB to 8TB, but for this review, we will look at the WD Black 2TB. Why? It offers sufficient space for all your game's downloadable content (DLC), it's quite affordable, and most importantly, it excels in performance levels. Now, nothing is stopping you from getting the new Fortnite Founder’s pack.
Equipped with a dual-core processor, you can expect excellent load times with read/write speed of almost 200mbps. It also features 64MB of cache which is also crucial in boosting the load and access time. To top it off it comes with the industry's best rotation speed of 7200RPS.
It also features various protection mechanisms like No Touch Ramp Load technology and Corruption Protection Technology that are meant to safeguard your data better. Physically this hard disk also includes a layer of silica gel on top of the plastic wrapper to ensure better protection against moisture.
- Great speeds
- Available in a variety of sizes
- Great data protection mechanism
- Trusted brand name
- A grinding noise when in operation
#5: WD Blue - Best Budget Hard Drive
I have mentioned that gaming hard drives should be large in size, but that does not automatically rule out the smaller drives. Especially if you have a tight budget or if your game library is not insanely big.
The WD Blue hard drive is one of the best budget hard drives you can buy for gaming. With a rotation speed of 7200RPM and a cache size of 8MB, this drive will still be able to provide a decent load and access time.
Of course, you will have to compromise on the number and size of the games you play, but considering the price I would say you will be getting the best value for your money. On top of getting a 2-year warranty from the reseller, you also have the option to return the product for a full refund.
- Very affordable
- Great loading time
- 100% Money back guarantee
- Limited game size that you can play
#6: Seagate FireCuda Gaming - Best Internal Laptop Hard Disk
Until recently, the biggest storage space you could get on the Xbox is 500GB. Even now you will have to cough up more bucks to get the 1TB SSD. But do you know what's better than the wd blue 1TB SSD from Microsoft? The Seagate 4TB hard drive specifically made for the Xbox.
This self-powered hard disk may be a bit bigger than its 2TB counterpart, but it is still pretty convenient to carry around. It features USB 3.0 ports which means data transfer is quite fast. It only takes a few minutes to copy Halo 5 which is more than 50GB in size.
Another thing we found pretty convenient is the Plug and Play setup which means once the Xbox recognizes the hard disk it only takes some seconds to load the game. You will also find that it takes less time to load your game’s DLC than with the internal hard drive.
Additionally, you can use the drive to save movies and other media files that can be played through your Xbox console. This hard drive comes with a 2-year warranty.
- Plug and Play setup
- Fast USB 3.0 ports
- Easily portable
- Ample storage
- Cannot play games and Media at the same time
#7: Toshiba P300 - Best Hard Drive for Desktop PC
Don't you hate it when you have to wait for what seems like forever for your game to load? Well, with a 64 MB cache size and 7200RPM you will definitely notice faster load time. With 2TB of storage space, it's hard to envision you having any trouble with inadequate space even after installing all the available mods for your games.
Toshiba has also included a caching technology that efficiently allocates the cache space during read and write cycles resulting in faster access to your games. They have also taken the necessary measures to protect your data which is evident through the internal shock sensors that absorb any impacts resulting from falls or knocks and the secured motor shaft that protects the hard drive against system vibrations.
The No-Touch Ramp-load tech also helps to reduce the wearing down of the recording head by ensuring that it does not touch the disk surface. This series of Toshiba hard disks are available in sizes ranging from 500GB-3TB and comes with a 2-year standard limited Warranty.
- Great loading time
- Effectively protects your data
- Does not produce noise
- Easy to install
- Some reported cases of premature failure
Choosing the Best Hard Drive
So, we just gave you the best hard drives but how do you really end up concluding that this is the most suited drive for your gaming needs? Follow along as we tell you everything you need to know before purchasing as your pc gaming hard drive. We will begin by answering the one question that no one seems to agree on.
? Which is better between SSD and HDD?
Well, no one can argue that SSD is considerably faster than the HDD. This is because unlike the HDD which stores data by manipulating magnetic fields created by spinning metal plates, the SSD uses flash memory similar to that of a USB flash drive which is much faster to read and write on.
The HDD, on the other hand, is considered to be more long-lasting and is without doubt, cheaper than SSD per Gigabyte. You will be surprised to learn that it might cost you more to purchase a 500GB SSD than it would if you are buying a 4TB HDD.
So, to answer the question, I will say that it depends on what you are really after. Personally, I recommend the HDD since as much as it is slower than the SSD, it's not extremely slow, and it's something you can easily compromise especially considering the amount of money you will be saving.
? What factors to consider while buying a Hard Disk?
Following factors should be considered:
- External vs. Internal HDD
- Size of the disk
- Rotation Speed
- Cache Memory
- Manufacturer
Here are more details:
To avoid disappointments after buying the hard disk, you need to ask yourself some few questions and also familiarize yourself with some of the important features of the hard drives. This way you have a better understanding of what you are really getting. Which are these factors?
- External vs. Internal HDD
The main advantage of the external hard disks is their portability. Which also makes them perfect backups in case your PC is compromised. Desktop PCs allow you room to add extra hard disks, but if you are using a laptop or other gaming device, you will have to replace your existing hard drive.
- Size of the disk
I am assuming the main reason you are buying the hard disk is so that you eliminate the need to have to delete some files when you want to install a new game or add modifications. Also, at a time when a single game can take up to 100GB, Call of Duty WWII is 90GB; it only makes sense that you select the hard disk that will allow you sufficient storage.
- Rotation Speed
The hard drives store information on spinning magnetic plates. Right? Now, the faster these plates spin then, the faster the load and access time. The rotation is measured in RPM (Rotations per Minute), and although we recommend hard disks with 7200RPM, you can still make do with 5400RPM.
- Cache Memory
This functions very much like Computer RAM Memory by storing important files temporarily so that it takes less time to access this data on the disk.
Generally, the larger the Cache size, the faster the hard disk will be. However, the difference is not major, and as such, this should not be the biggest determiner.
- Manufacturer
With so many hard disk brands, it’s comforting to know that your hard disk is from a trusted brand that has been tested and proven not to disappoint. For instance, you will notice that our list has been dominated by certain brands. Of course, there is no guarantee that a hard disk will not die on you but it’s better safe than sorry.
So, there you have it. The 7 best gaming hard drives you can buy. We have tried to be as flexible as possible giving you our top recommendation for each use case. Thus, regardless of whether you do your gaming on a desktop, laptop or gaming consoles, you will definitely find the most suitable hard disk for you. Enjoy your gaming.
Here is a list of Top 7 Hard Drives for Gaming along with popular specs and reason they are chosen:
Best Hard Drive for Gaming: Top Picks
Product Name | Capacity | RPM | Cache | Warranty | Reason Chosen | Details |
![]() | 3TB | 4TB | 6TB | 8TB | 7200 | 256MB | 2 Years | Best External Hard Drive | |
![]() | 250GB | 500GB |1TB | 2TB | 4TB | N/A | N/A | 5 year | Best Internal SSD Hard Drive | |
![]() | 1TB | 2TB | 7200RPM | 64MB | 2 Years | Best Hybrid HDD | |
![]() | 250GB | 320GB | 500GB | 750GB | 1TB | 2TB | 4TB | 6TB | 8TB | 7200RPM | 32MB | 5 year | Best Internal HDD for Laptops | |
![]() | 500GB to 6 TB | 7200RPM | 64MB | 2 Years | Best Budget | |
![]() | 500GB | 1TB | 2TB | 4TB | 7200RPM | 64MB | 2 Years | Best Internal SSHD for Laptops | |
![]() | 500GB | 1TB | 2TB | 3TB | 7200RPM | 64MB | 2 Years | Best Hard Drive for Desktop PC |